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Details & Routes

General Information

  • The event will start and finish at Boler Mountain in Byron.

  • At check-in, you will receive your t-shirt (if applicable), wristband, water bottle and lunch & drink tickets. Plan to be at Boler to check in an hour before your ride starts.

  • There is no advance check-in/kit pick-up this year.

  • There will be rest stops with washroom facilities, food, water and hydration at Boler and on the route.  See below for more details.


6:30am:  Check-in opens.

7:30am:  160km route official start time

8:30am:  100km route official start time

9:15am:  MTB route official start time

9:30am:  50km route official start time

10:30am:  25km route official start time

11:30am:  First riders expected back at Boler

Noon:  Official lunch start time

3:30pm:  Last lunch served

Road Routes

The route will be marked on the roads using RouteArrows. Your wristband colour will match the colour of the RouteArrows you should follow.

Links to the maps of the road ride routes are provided below (printed maps will not be provided)Rest stops are at the distances listed below.
Routes are tentative and could change up until the week before the event.

  • 25km route:
    See route on RideWithGPS.
    Brigham (South): 12km (snacks/water only)
    Rest Stop close time is based on a 10kph average speed.

  • 50km route:
    See route on
    Christina: 30km (snacks/water/hydration/washroom)
    Rest Stop close time is based on a 15kph average speed.

  • 100km route:
    See route on
    Christina: 30km(snacks/water/hydration/washroom)
    Poplar Hill: 74km(snacks/water/hydration/washroom
    /Muskoka chairs)
    Rest Stop close time is based on a 18kph average speed.

  • 160km route:
    See route on
    Crathie: 25km (snacks/water/hydration only)
    Thedford: 66km (snacks/water/hydration/washroom)
    Greenway: 90km (snacks/water/hydration only)
    Ailsa Craig: 116km (snacks/water/hydration/washroom)
    Poplar Hill: 137km (snacks/water/hydration/washroom
    /Muskoka chairs)
    Rest Stop close time is based on a 22kph average speed.

Mountain Bike Route

We are offering a mountain bike route, in partnership with Boler Mountain. This will be a 10km loop (takes about half an hour per loop) that you will be able to ride as many times as you want between 9:15am and 3:00pm on the day of the event.

There will be washroom facilities, food and drinks available for riders.


Registration includes:

  • Custom event Dri-Fit t-shirt (if you signed up before May 1).

  • Custom event water bottle.

  • Hydration, coffee and light breakfast snacks at the start.

  • The ride/route of your choice.

  • Rest stops with washrooms, food, water and hydration.

  • Hot lunch and one beer (or non-alcoholic drink for those not of legal drinking age) at the finish.

  • Fundraising incentives at various levels (see below).

  • Photographs of the event and participants.

Individual Fundraising

While individual fundraising is not mandatory as part of the event, it is certainly encouraged and there are incentives available for those who choose to do so. These are as follows (all fundraising totals are as of midnight on Thursday May 29, 2025):

  • $400+ to receive a $50 local bike store gift card.

  • $750+ to receive a custom event cycling jersey.

  • $1,500+ to receive a pair of custom event cycling bib shorts.

  • Top fundraiser will receive a $1,000 gift card for a local bike shop.

  • Second-highest fundraiser will receive a two-night stay at Tailwinds Bed & Breakfast.

  • Third-highest fundraiser will receive a $100 gift card to a local restaurant of their choice.

Follow us on social media and on our website for more information as it becomes available.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Strava Logo

Summary of Rules and Guidelines:

  1. Be a good cyclist and be considerate of others (whether they are part of the event or not).

  2. Stay as far to the right of the road as practical at all times.

  3. Standards-compliant cycling helmets must be worn at all times during the event.

  4. Mobile phones, earphones, earbuds and other similar distractions must not be used while riding.

  5. FCCC number plates must be attached to your bicycle while riding.

  6. Any type of bicycle (including e-bike) is allowed as long as it is safe for riding on the road (e.g. brakes work, etc.).

  7. You should ensure that your bicycle complies with applicable local laws.

  8. All equipment should be in good working order prior to the start of the event.

  9. Always follow the instructions and directions of event volunteers and staff.

  10. All road routes will be marked with 'RouteArrows' on the road, or signs beside the road.

  11. We expect that the 160km route will take approximately 6-8 hours, the 100km route will take approximately 4-6 hours, the 50km route will take approximately 2-4 hours and the 25km route will take 1-2 hours.  Rest stop opening and closing times will be based on corresponding estimated speeds.

  12. If you wish to change your registration to a different route, please inform the organizers.

  13. Road routes are open only to participants 14 years of age and older, as of the event date.

  14. If you have to abandon the event for any reason, please inform the organizers as soon as possible.

  15. We regret that we cannot offer refunds or deferrals to another year for any completed registrations.

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